The Best Way to Decoupage Napkins

Decoupage Napkins!

Learning how to decoupage napkins opens up so many different crafting opportunities. The best part of using paper napkins for decoupage is that there are so many beautiful decoupage napkins to choose from. This decoupage technique is great for all ages from kids to adults and with just a little practice you’ll have no trouble decoupaging a variety of surfaces with napkins.

Can you Mod Podge Napkins?

Mod Podge is a great decoupage glue to use when it comes to decoupaging. It comes in both a matte and glossy finish depending on the final look you want to create.

Step 1

Separate the napkin to 1 ply. You'll only use the printed part of the napkin.

If the background isn't already white, paint it with acrylic paint.

Step 2

Step 3

Slowly tear the napkin around the outline you just made & let the napkin completely dry.

Using a wet paint brush, draw an outline around the image you want to use.

Step 4

Step 5

Pick up the saran wrap and turn it over and place it directly onto the item you are decoupaging onto.

Place the napkin printed side down & then apply a thin layer of decoupage glue.

Step 6

Thick Brush Stroke

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