Painting Rocks

Painting Rock Tips

It can be difficult to figure out the best supplies and techniques so I thought I’d create a guide based on my experience. I also have linked my Rock Art Handbook with over 30 tutorials in the full post, swipe up!


Smooth rocks - avoid rocks with a wax film over them (you can also get rocks from Amazon) Paint - I prefer acrylic paints in bright colors. Paint brushes - Small brushes are a necessity Paint markers/pens - Another option if you struggle with paint. (links in the full post)

Prepping the rocks

Ready to start? 

My book has loads of  designs!

Wash & Dry

I wash them outside and allow them to dry - simple!

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Patterns & Ideas

Rainbow and paint palette

This rainbow over a sun and paint palette were great uses of color.


These human designs use two rocks per design.

Thick Brush Stroke

Such an fun craft!

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