How to Paint Mason Jars: Tips and Tricks 

Color Made Happy

You may have seen Mason Jars commonly used as vases and for decorating and organization. However, have you ever seen Painted Mason Jars?

Painted Mason Jars are a fun twist on a plain decoration that can really liven up your space. Plus, you can use these Painted Mason Jars to organize your stuff!

This story will cover everything you need to know, from materials required to tips and tricks for how to paint mason jars!


Mason jars Spray Paint + Primer Acrylic craft paint Foam paint brushes Paint Markers Paintbrush Sealant

Spray one or two coats of white primer. The primer is the key to painting mason jars and it makes it so that  the acrylic paint easily applies without streaks.

Step 1: 

Using a foam paintbrush, paint the first coat of acrylic paint onto your Mason Jar.

Step 2: 

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